

Fitting Voigt function to data in Python(在Python中对Voigt函数进行数据拟合)
Loopless chi-square grid search in Python numpy(无环卡方网格搜索在PYTHON NumPy中的实现)
fitting a plane into a cloud of points (3d)(将平面适配到点云中(3D))
Curve fitting of Monod growth/degradation equations to the experimental data(Monod生长/降解方程对实验数据的曲线拟合)
gaussian fitting inaccurate for lower peak width using Python(使用Python对较低的峰宽进行不精确的高斯拟合)
Variable input function scipy.curve_fit(可变输入函数scipy.curve_fit)
Fitting a sigmoid curve (Python)(拟合S型曲线(Python))
Non-recursive Quicksort(非递归快速排序)
How to cleanly use QuickSort to sort Linked List - Python(如何干净利落地使用QuickSort对链表进行排序--Python)
Counting swaps and comparisons in Quicksort (Python)(计算快速排序中的交换和比较(Python))