

Eloquent Parent-Child relationship on same model(同一模型上雄辩的父子关系)
Laravel 5 Naming Conventions(Laravel 5 命名约定)
How to set the default value of an attribute on a Laravel model(如何在 Laravel 模型上设置属性的默认值)
laravel 5.4 upload image(laravel 5.4 上传图片)
How to use authentication for multiple tables in Laravel 5(如何在 Laravel 5 中对多个表使用身份验证)
How to fix the quot;Base table or view not found: 1146quot; error when running #39;php artisan migrate#39; command?(如何修复“找不到基表或视图:1146运行“php artisan migrate命令时出错?)
Laravel - Set global variable from settings table(Laravel - 从设置表中设置全局变量)
naming tables in many to many relationships laravel(在多对多关系 Laravel 中命名表)
What is Closure in Laravel?(Laravel 中的闭包是什么?)
How To Cast Eloquent Pivot Parameters?(如何投射 Eloquent Pivot 参数?)