mysqli persistent connection(mysqli 持久连接)
Warning: mysqli_connect(): Unknown MySQL server host(警告:mysqli_connect():未知的 MySQL 服务器主机)
mysqli, OOP vs Procedural(mysqli、OOP 与程序化)
Get all objects without loop in OOP MySQLi(在 OOP MySQLi 中获取所有没有循环的对象)
PHP mysql_stmt::fetch() gives PHP Fatal error memory exhausted(PHP mysql_stmt::fetch() 导致 PHP 致命错误内存耗尽)
Command line php mysqli fails but works via web server and works in local(命令行 php mysqli 失败,但可通过 Web 服务器运行并在本地运行)
(Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object)((致命错误:在非对象上调用成员函数 bind_param()))
Connect to Multiple Databases using MySQLi(使用 MySQLi 连接到多个数据库)
Bind_param Non-Object Error w/ mysqli(带有 mysqli 的 Bind_param 非对象错误)
Where to securely store certs/keys when using PHP/MySQLI/Apache?(使用 PHP/MySQLI/Apache 时在哪里安全地存储证书/密钥?)