PHP function to replace a (i)th-position character(PHP 函数替换第 (i) 个位置的字符)
Remove everything from the first occurrence of a character to the end of a string in PHP(在 PHP 中删除从字符的第一次出现到字符串末尾的所有内容)
find and replace keywords by hyperlinks in an html fragment, via php dom(通过 php dom 在 html 片段中通过超链接查找和替换关键字)
PHP remove commas from numeric strings(PHP 从数字字符串中删除逗号)
PHP Multi Byte str_replace?(PHP 多字节 str_replace?)
Find and replace in a file(在文件中查找和替换)
Remove everything except letters from PHP string(从 PHP 字符串中删除除字母以外的所有内容)
Find an element by id and replace its contents with php(通过 id 查找元素并用 php 替换其内容)
Replace unicode character(替换 unicode 字符)
htmlentities in PHP but preserving html tags(PHP 中的 htmlentities 但保留 html 标签)