

PHP which SOAP lib to use?(PHP 使用哪个 SOAP 库?)
Creating a SOAP call using PHP with an XML body(使用 PHP 和 XML 主体创建 SOAP 调用)
Is it possible to curry method calls in PHP?(是否可以在 PHP 中咖喱方法调用?)
PHP SOAP Transferring Files(PHP SOAP 传输文件)
SoapClient: how to pass multiple elements with same name?(SoapClient:如何传递多个同名元素?)
Using xpath on a PHP SimpleXML object, SOAP + namespaces (not working..)(在 PHP SimpleXML 对象上使用 xpath,SOAP + 命名空间(不工作..))
PHP Fatal error: quot;The SOAP action specified on the message, #39;#39;, does not match the HTTP SOAP Actionquot;(PHP 致命错误:“消息中指定的 SOAP 操作与 HTTP SOAP 操作不匹配)
Find an element by id and replace its contents with php(通过 id 查找元素并用 php 替换其内容)
Replace unicode character(替换 unicode 字符)
htmlentities in PHP but preserving html tags(PHP 中的 htmlentities 但保留 html 标签)