

HTML Upload MAX_FILE_SIZE does not appear to work(HTML 上传 MAX_FILE_SIZE 似乎不起作用)
Handling plupload#39;s chunked uploads on the server-side(在服务器端处理 plupload 的分块上传)
How to handle multiple file upload using PHP(如何使用PHP处理多个文件上传)
$_FILES field #39;tmp_name#39; has no value on .JPG file extension($_FILES 字段 tmp_name 对 .JPG 文件扩展名没有值)
Count and limit the number of files uploaded (HTML file input)(统计和限制上传文件的数量(HTML文件输入))
PHP file upload: mime or extension based verification?(PHP 文件上传:基于 MIME 或扩展名的验证?)
Ajax file upload(ajax文件上传)
ini_set(quot;upload_max_filesizequot;,quot;200Mquot;) not working in php(ini_set(upload_max_filesize,200M) 在 php 中不起作用)
PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 80740352) (tried to allocate 12352 bytes) in(PHP 致命错误:内存不足(已分配 80740352)(尝试分配 12352 字节))
Upload doesn#39;t work right when the file is too big(文件太大时上传不正确)