

Set minimum allowed weight for a specific country in WooCommerce(在 WooCommerce 中为特定国家/地区设置最小允许重量)
Unset product tabs for specific product categories in woocommerce(在woocommerce中取消特定产品类别的产品标签)
Automatically enable virtual and downloadable product settings(自动启用虚拟和可下载产品设置)
Remove add to cart button for specific product categories in WooCommerce 3(删除 WooCommerce 3 中特定产品类别的添加到购物车按钮)
Remove shipping Flat Rate method for particular Category in WooCommerce 2.6 and 3+(在 WooCommerce 2.6 和 3+ 中删除特定类别的运输统一费率方法)
WooCommerce Checkout fields settings and customization hooks(WooCommerce Checkout 字段设置和自定义挂钩)
Rename Length to Diameter in WooCommerce formatted product dimensions output(在 WooCommerce 格式的产品尺寸输出中将长度重命名为直径)
WooCommerce - Skip cart page redirecting to checkout page(WooCommerce - 跳过购物车页面重定向到结帐页面)
Show prices only for a specific customer#39;s country in Woocommerce(在 Woocommerce 中仅显示特定客户所在国家/地区的价格)
Disable Woocommerce add to cart button if the product is already in cart(如果产品已在购物车中,请禁用 Woocommerce 添加到购物车按钮)