

CakePHP custom validation with a variable in the error message(CakePHP 自定义验证与错误消息中的变量)
CakePHP 2.3 - Unit testing User Login(CakePHP 2.3 - 单元测试用户登录)
Cakephp Sqlserver encoding(Cakephp Sqlserver 编码)
Apply a discount on the cart content total excluding taxes in WooCommerce(在 WooCommerce 中对购物车内容总额应用折扣(不含税))
Add custom fee to recurring total WooCommerce subscription(将自定义费用添加到经常性的 WooCommerce 订阅总额)
Apply automatically a coupon based on specific cart items count in Woocommerce(根据 Woocommerce 中的特定购物车商品数量自动应用优惠券)
Get the order ID in checkout page before payment process(在付款过程之前在结帐页面中获取订单 ID)
Stop specific customer email notification based on payment methods in Woocommerce(根据 Woocommerce 中的付款方式停止特定客户的电子邮件通知)
Dynamic synched custom checkout select fields in WooCommerce(WooCommerce 中的动态同步自定义结帐选择字段)
Make WC_Cart add_to_cart method working for guests in Woocommerce(使 WC_Cart add_to_cart 方法为 Woocommerce 中的客人工作)