Uncaught Error quot;Class not foundquot; in Laravel 5.8(未捕获的错误“找不到类在 Laravel 5.8 中)
PSR4 Composer Autoloading namespaces(PSR4 Composer 自动加载命名空间)
How to develop a dependent composer package without the need to commit or publish changes?(如何在不需要提交或发布更改的情况下开发依赖的composer包?)
Can#39;t install composer due to certificate issues(由于证书问题无法安装作曲家)
How does PSR-4 autoloading work in composer for custom libraries?(PSR-4 自动加载如何在 composer 中为自定义库工作?)
The quot;https://getcomposer.org/versionsquot; file could not be downloaded: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error: 1416F086(“https://getcomposer.org/versions无法下载文件:SSL 操作失败,代码为 1.OpenSSL 错误消息:错误:1416F086)
Composer installing: the json extension is missing(Composer 安装:缺少 json 扩展)
But these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability(但是这些与您的要求或最低稳定性相冲突)
PHP Composer Autoloader Class not Found Exception(PHP Composer Autoloader 类未找到异常)
Composer install Error in argument 1, char 2: option not found r(作曲家安装参数 1 中的错误,字符 2:找不到选项 r)