

How to override a widget in a child theme in WordPress?(如何覆盖 WordPress 子主题中的小部件?)
Is there a PHP web toolkit similar to Google Web Toolkit?(是否有类似于 Google Web Toolkit 的 PHP Web 工具包?)
Is it necessary to Initialize / Declare variable in PHP?(是否需要在 PHP 中初始化/声明变量?)
Is there a special object initializer construct in PHP like there is now in C#?(PHP 中是否有像现在 C# 中那样的特殊对象初始化器构造?)
Can PHP instantiate an object from the name of the class as a string?(PHP 可以将类名中的对象实例化为字符串吗?)
How to use a switch case #39;or#39; in PHP(如何在 PHP 中使用 switch case or)
User recognition without cookies or local storage(无需 cookie 或本地存储的用户识别)
How to clip HTML fragments without breaking up tags?(如何在不破坏标签的情况下剪辑 HTML 片段?)
How to impliment a Part-of-Speech (POS) tagger(如何实现词性 (POS) 标注器)
jQuery Multiple Checkbox Page Filter(jQuery 多复选框页面过滤器)