Symfony2: get Doctrine in a generic PHP class(Symfony2:在通用 PHP 类中获取 Doctrine)
How to get partial result from doctrine query builder(如何从学说查询生成器中获取部分结果)
Symfony forms for Translatable Doctrine entities(可翻译 Doctrine 实体的 Symfony 表单)
How to check if entity changed in Doctrine 2?(如何检查 Doctrine 2 中的实体是否更改?)
Doctrine 2 DQL - how to select inverse side of unidirectional many-to-many query?(Doctrine 2 DQL - 如何选择单向多对多查询的反面?)
Doctrine 2 - Log changes in manyToMany relation(Doctrine 2 - 在多对多关系中记录更改)
pass array of conditions to doctrine expr()-gt;orx() method(将条件数组传递给教义 expr()-orx() 方法)
Doctrine entitymanager clear doesn#39;t fully clear(学说 entitymanager clear 不完全清楚)
Doctrine 2: Query result as associative array(原则 2:查询结果为关联数组)
doctrine2 loads one-to-many associations with fetch mode eager using too many SQL queries(学说 2 使用太多 SQL 查询加载一对多关联与 fetch 模式急切)