Zend 1.11 and Doctrine 2 Auto generate everything needed from already existing database(Zend 1.11 和 Doctrine 2 自动从现有数据库生成所需的一切)
Symfony2 datetime queryBuilder(Symfony2 日期时间查询生成器)
Doctrine does not update a simple array type field(Doctrine 不会更新简单的数组类型字段)
Overriding Doctrine_Record (sfDoctrineRecord) instance methods in Doctrine PHP Symfony(在 Doctrine PHP Symfony 中覆盖 Doctrine_Record (sfDoctrineRecord) 实例方法)
How to ManyToMany and OneToMany in Symfony and Doctrine?(如何在 Symfony 和 Doctrine 中实现多对多和一对多?)
Create a doctrine repository with dependencies (dependency injection) in ZF2(在 ZF2 中创建具有依赖关系(依赖注入)的学说存储库)
Symfony Cache doctrine/orm/Proxies failed to open stream /Proxy/AbstractProxyFactory.php on line 209(Symfony Cache 学说/orm/Proxies 未能在第 209 行打开流/Proxy/AbstractProxyFactory.php)
Doctrine DBAL setParameter() with array value(具有数组值的 Doctrine DBAL setParameter())
Doctrine2 export entity to array(Doctrine2 将实体导出到数组)
How to access old values on PrePersist LifecycleCallback in Doctrine2(如何在 Doctrine2 中访问 PrePersist LifecycleCallback 上的旧值)