How to mock a service (or a ServiceProvider) when running Feature tests in Laravel?(在 Laravel 中运行功能测试时如何模拟服务(或服务提供者)?)
PHPUnit - creating Mock objects to act as stubs for properties(PHPUnit - 创建 Mock 对象以充当属性的存根)
Mocking concrete method in abstract class using phpunit(使用phpunit在抽象类中模拟具体方法)
Can I rely on PHP php.ini precision workaround for floating point issue(我可以依靠 PHP php.ini 精度解决方法来解决浮点问题吗)
Display float value w/o scientific notation(显示不带科学计数法的浮点值)
PHP String to Float(PHP字符串浮动)
Selecting a float in MySQL(在 MySQL 中选择浮点数)
Convert exponential number to decimal in php(在php中将指数数转换为十进制)
Truncate float numbers with PHP(用 PHP 截断浮点数)
How to convert float value to integer in php?(如何在php中将浮点值转换为整数?)