Remove specific strings from end of string(从字符串末尾删除特定字符串)
PHP: Remove all hyperlinks of specific domain from text(PHP:从文本中删除特定域名的所有超链接)
Replace based on regex and return manipulated string(根据正则表达式替换并返回操作过的字符串)
Optional Group Expression(可选组表达式)
add site url only if it is missing(仅当缺少站点URL时才添加它)
How can I extract or preg_replace chinese characters in a string?(如何提取或preg_place字符串中的中文字符?)
how to replace email address from html innertext(如何从html内部文本替换电子邮件地址)
regex to remove bbcode tags with atrributes(regex用于删除带有属性的bbcode标记)
Regex pattern extract string between curly braces and exclude curly braces(正则表达式模式提取大括号之间的字符串并排除大括号)
BBCODE, preg_replace and double quotes(BBCODE、PREG_REPLACE和双引号)