Filter multidimensional array by column and retain rows with first-occurring unique column value(过滤多维数组按列排列,并保留列值首次出现的行)
array_diff to compare two associative arrays(array_diff用于比较两个关联数组)
Filter array rows by matching one or more key-value pairs in associative array(通过匹配关联数组中的一个或多个键-值对来查找过滤数组行)
Group rows by one column, only create deeper subarrays when multiple rows in group(按一列对行进行分组,仅当组中有多行时才创建更深的子数组)
Merge multiple multidimensional arrays and group by id column(合并多个多维数组并按id列分组)
How to disable ctrl-z, ctrl-c from breaking out of a php script(如何禁止ctrl-z,ctrl-c中断php脚本)
Get window size with php(使用php获取窗口大小)
PHP function descriptions as I type in Notepad++(我在记事本++中键入时的PHP函数说明)
Notepad++ Edit syntax highlighting for PHP?(记事本++编辑PHP的语法突出显示吗?)
Get parameter hints for my own PHP functions in Notepad++(在Notepad++中获取我自己的PHP函数的参数提示)