

Kivy to Apk in Windows(Kivy 到 Windows 中的 Apk)
Python/Kivy app to apk on windows - what to do after installing a virtual machine?(Python/Kivy 应用程序到 Windows 上的 apk - 安装虚拟机后该怎么办?)
kivy camera application with opencv in android shows black screen(android中带有opencv的kivy相机应用程序显示黑屏)
Buildozer Build failed: Couldn#39;t find executable for CC(Buildozer 构建失败:找不到 CC 的可执行文件)
How to make GPS-app for android using kivy, pyjnius?(如何使用 kivy、pyjnius 为 android 制作 GPS 应用程序?)
How to retrieve a set of locations within particular range from user#39;s location from SQLite database(如何从 SQLite 数据库中的用户位置检索特定范围内的一组位置)
Geolocation is not working in iOS 8 simulator(地理定位在 iOS 8 模拟器中不起作用)
Android service with locationListener callbacks(带有 locationListener 回调的 Android 服务)
at first time MKReverseGeocoder: didFailWithError:Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1011 {PBHTTPStatusCode=503}(第一次 MKReverseGeocoder: didFailWithError:Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1011 {PBHTTPStatusCode=503})
iOS Use Current Location Permission dialog is shown twice in Phonegap app(iOS 使用当前位置权限对话框在 Phonegap 应用程序中显示两次)