

How can I change language of my application(如何更改应用程序的语言)
Unable to use custom class in a protocol with @objc attribute?(无法在具有@objc 属性的协议中使用自定义类?)
Dropbox SDK - linkFromController: delegate or callback?(Dropbox SDK - linkFromController:委托还是回调?)
How do you connect the quot;delegatequot; outlet of a UITextView to a class that implements UITextViewDelegate protocol?(您如何连接“代表?UITextView 的出口到实现 UITextViewDelegate 协议的类?)
Set UITabBarController created in Interface Builder as delegate(将在 Interface Builder 中创建的 UITabBarController 设置为委托)
iOS how know which button is pressed CollectionView with custom delegate(iOS如何知道哪个按钮被按下了带有自定义委托的CollectionView)
Call Facebook delegates in Swift(在 Swift 中调用 Facebook 代表)
handle when callback to a dealloced delegate?(何时回调已解除分配的委托?)
How to manage 2 tableviews in 1 viewController?(如何在 1 个视图控制器中管理 2 个表视图?)
didOutputSampleBuffer delegate not called(未调用 didOutputSampleBuffer 委托)