Creating Firebase topic for each user(为每个用户创建 Firebase 主题)
Call onMessage method when the app is in background in flutter(当应用程序在后台运行时调用 onMessage 方法)
Firebase Cloud Messaging Cannot parse topic name(Firebase 云消息传递无法解析主题名称)
How to get Firebase user id from FCM token? (in admin code on server)(如何从 FCM 令牌中获取 Firebase 用户 ID?(在服务器上的管理代码中))
didReceiveRemoteNotification function doesn#39;t called with FCM notification server(不使用 FCM 通知服务器调用 didReceiveRemoteNotification 函数)
Firebase scheduled notification in android(android中的Firebase计划通知)
iOS: Using UIView#39;s #39;drawRect:#39; vs. its layer#39;s delegate #39;drawLayer:inContext:#39;(iOS:使用 UIView 的 drawRect: 与其层的委托 drawLayer:inContext:)
How to hide the keyboard when I press return key in a UITextField?(当我在 UITextField 中按返回键时如何隐藏键盘?)
Recommended way to declare delegate properties with ARC(使用 ARC 声明委托属性的推荐方法)
Little confused on Delegates in Objective-C(对Objective-C中的委托有点困惑)