

Show UITabBar when UIViewController pushed(推送 UIViewController 时显示 UITabBar)
View being blocked by UITransitionView after being presented(呈现后被 UITransitionView 阻止的视图)
The correct way to set a light status bar text color in iOS 7 based on different ViewControllers(iOS 7中基于不同ViewControllers设置灯光状态栏文字颜色的正确方法)
How to get the previous viewcontroller that pushed my current view(如何获取推送我当前视图的上一个视图控制器)
How to add a navigation controller programmatically in code but not as initial view controller(如何在代码中以编程方式添加导航控制器,但不作为初始视图控制器)
Custom back button in UINavigationController(UINavigationController 中的自定义后退按钮)
ViewController in UINavigationController orientation change(UINavigationController 中的 ViewController 方向更改)
UINavigationController inside a UITabBarController inside a UISplitViewController presented modally on iPhone(UISplitViewController 内的 UITabBarController 内的 UINavigationController 以模态方式呈现在 iPhone 上)
global ADBannerView in iPhone app(iPhone 应用中的全局 ADBannerView)
Adding a title to the left side of the navigation bar(在导航栏左侧添加标题)