

UINavigationController with presentModalViewController(UINavigationController 与 presentModalViewController)
Right design pattern for tabbed navigation views?(选项卡式导航视图的正确设计模式?)
How to show back button on the RootViewController of the UINavigationController?(如何在 UINavigationController 的 RootViewController 上显示返回按钮?)
Give a top inset to UIRefreshControl(为 UIRefreshControl 提供顶部插图)
UINavigationBar with buttons as title.(UINavigationBar 以按钮为标题.)
Swift –#160;Using popViewController and passing data to the ViewController you#39;re returning to(Swift – 使用 popViewController 并将数据传递给您要返回的 ViewController)
How to subclass Navigation Controller when using storyboards?(使用情节提要时如何继承导航控制器?)
iOS 5 [UINavigationBar appearance] setBackgroundImage does not do work(iOS 5 [UINavigationBar 外观] setBackgroundImage 不起作用)
Determine viewWillAppear from Popped UINavigationController or UITabBarController(从弹出的 UINavigationController 或 UITabBarController 确定 viewWillAppear)
Setting title of UINavigationBar(设置 UINavigationBar 的标题)