

how to use number picker with dialog(如何在对话框中使用数字选择器)
Android: how to create a transparent dialog-themed activity(Android:如何创建一个透明的以对话框为主题的活动)
Error inflating Fragment in Dialog the second time(第二次在对话框中膨胀片段时出错)
Android: First run popup dialog(Android:首次运行弹出对话框)
timed modeless dialog(定时无模式对话)
How can I change default black dim background quot;colorquot; (not the amount of dim) of Dialog?(如何更改默认的黑色暗淡背景“颜色?(不是dim的量)Dialog?)
Android display another dialog from a dialog(Android从一个对话框显示另一个对话框)
could not access the package manager. is the system running while installing android application(无法访问包管理器.安装android应用程序时系统是否正在运行)
The Android emulator is out of view, how can I move it?(Android 模拟器不在视野范围内,我该如何移动它?)
How do I fix quot;Failed to sync vcpu regquot; error?(如何修复“无法同步 vcpu reg?错误?)