

Changing date format on iOS(在 iOS 上更改日期格式)
Format SD card in Android(在 Android 中格式化 SD 卡)
Kivy app build successfully using buildozer but crashes when opened on android phone(Kivy 应用程序使用 buildozer 成功构建,但在 android 手机上打开时崩溃)
Kivy - My ScrollView doesn#39;t scroll(Kivy - 我的 ScrollView 不滚动)
Android Apk is Crashing only for KivyMd(Android Apk 仅适用于 KivyMd 崩溃)
Kivy Buildozer fails to build apk, command failed: ./distribute.sh -m quot;kivyquot; d(Kivy Buildozer 无法构建 apk,命令失败:./distribute.sh -m “kivyd)
Python+kivy+SQLite: How to set label initial value and how to update label text?(Python+kivy+SQLite:如何设置标签初始值以及如何更新标签文本?)
Buildozer Unknown command/target android_old(Buildozer 未知命令/目标 android_old)
Android kivy where to put application files (ini, images db etc)(Android kivy 在哪里放置应用程序文件(ini、images db 等))
How to debug a kivy app in android?(如何在 android 中调试 kivy 应用程序?)