

How to ping a website from an Android activity and get response?(如何从 Android 活动 ping 网站并获得响应?)
syncadapter without internet connection(没有互联网连接的同步适配器)
Android Lollipop defaults to Mobile Data when Wi-Fi has not Internet access?(Wi-Fi无法上网时Android Lollipop默认使用Mobile Data?)
Bluetooth connection without pairing(无需配对的蓝牙连接)
How to fix #39;java.lang.module.FindException: module java.se.ee not found#39; error when packaging my kivy application with buildozer(使用 buildozer 打包我的 kivy 应用程序时如何修复“java.lang.module.FindException:找不到模块 java.se.ee错误)
How to keep kivy service running in background in Android (service still run when switch to other App or lock the screen)?(如何在Android中保持kivy服务在后台运行(切换到其他应用程序或锁定屏幕时服务仍然运行)?)
Kivy Opencv Android(Kivy Opencv Android)
Accessing Android camera through Kivy(通过 Kivy 访问 Android 相机)
Android dialog width(Android 对话框宽度)
Change button color in AlertDialog(在 AlertDialog 中更改按钮颜色)