take picture from camera and choose from gallery and display in Image view(从相机拍照并从图库中选择并在图像视图中显示)
How to show an image from an url in android(如何在android中显示来自url的图像)
How set imageview scaletype to topCrop(如何将 imageview scaletype 设置为 topCrop)
Why are there extra pixels around my Android GridView?(为什么我的 Android GridView 周围有多余的像素?)
Canvas: trying to use a recycled bitmap android.graphics.Bitmap in Android(Canvas:尝试在 Android 中使用回收的位图 android.graphics.Bitmap)
setColorFilter not working(setColorFilter 不工作)
Select a portion of image in ImageView and retrieve the end points of selected rectangle(在 ImageView 中选择一部分图像并检索所选矩形的端点)
I want to transfer the image from one activity to another(我想将图像从一项活动转移到另一项活动)
How to draw a Line in ImageView on Android?(如何在 Android 上的 ImageView 中画一条线?)
Draw round corners on top left top right bottom left bottom right using Path and RectF in Android(在Android中使用Path和RectF在左上角右下角右下角绘制圆角)