

Uploading Audio to Cloudinary(将音频上传到 Cloudinary)
Getting email id value null as response during apple-authentication(在苹果身份验证期间获取电子邮件 ID 值 null 作为响应)
Is it possible to write a file to the iOS filesystem with Expo so that it is accessible via the iOS 11 Files app(是否可以使用 Expo 将文件写入 iOS 文件系统,以便可以通过 iOS 11 Files 应用程序访问它)
error when I post my app-bundle on google play console(当我在谷歌播放控制台上发布我的应用程序包时出错)
React-Native error Task :expo:compileReleaseKotlin FAILED(React-Native 错误任务:expo:compileReleaseKotlin FAILED)
react native with expo:Run project on gennymotion problem(与 expo 反应原生:在 gennymotion 问题上运行项目)
quot;tried to register two views with the same name RNCSafeAreaProviderquot; error on IOS(“试图注册两个同名的视图 RNCSafeAreaProviderIOS上的错误)
ERROR ITMS-90596: quot;Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at #39;Payload/ExpoKitApp.app/.bundle/Assets.car#39; can#39;t be processed.quot;(错误 ITMS-90596:“无效的捆绑包.无法处理“Payload/ExpoKitApp.app/.bundle/Assets.car中的资产目录.)
Is there any way to translate context menu according to phone language in react-native using expo?(有没有办法在使用 expo 的 react-native 中根据电话语言翻译上下文菜单?)
Why doesn#39;t expo-file-system work in Jest?(为什么 expo-file-system 在 Jest 中不起作用?)