iOS7, backgroundImage for UISearchBar(iOS7,UISearchBar 的 backgroundImage)
viewDidLoad is in fact called every time there is a segue transition(viewDidLoad 实际上是在每次有 segue 转换时调用的)
Changing the text color of a navigation bar title when quot;prefersLargeTitlesquot; is set to true(“prefersLargeTitles时更改导航栏标题的文本颜色设置为真)
UIViewController – issue with custom dismiss transition(UIViewController – 自定义关闭过渡的问题)
When should I use UIImageJPEGRepresentation and UIImagePNGRepresentation for uploading different image formats to the server?(何时应该使用 UIImageJPEGRepresentation 和 UIImagePNGRepresentation 将不同的图像格式上传到服务器?)
Why doesn#39;t UITableViewCell background color work (set in interface builder)?(为什么 UITableViewCell 背景颜色不起作用(在界面生成器中设置)?)
What exactly is UIFont#39;s point size?(UIFont 的磅值到底是多少?)
UINavigationBar Touch(UINavigationBar 触控)
IPhone - After dismissing Modal View Controller - gap is left at top of page(iPhone - 关闭模态视图控制器后 - 页面顶部留有间隙)
UIWebView in multithread ViewController(多线程 ViewController 中的 UIWebView)