

GCDAsyncUdpSocket and multicast sending and receiving(GCDAsyncUdpSocket 和多播发送和接收)
AsyncUdpSocket how to use receive(AsyncUdpSocket 如何使用接收)
Receive udp broadcast packets ios(ios接收udp广播包)
RTSP Client in Android(Android 中的 RTSP 客户端)
How to work with UDP sockets in iOS, swift?(如何在 iOS 中快速使用 UDP 套接字?)
GCDAsyncUdpSocket on iOS missing multicasted datagrams(iOS 上的 GCDAsyncUdpSocket 缺少多播数据报)
send HTTP PATCH request in iOS (Objective-c)(在 iOS 中发送 HTTP PATCH 请求(Objective-c))
iOS UrlSession.shared.dataTask removes utf-8 quot;+quot; character and replaces it with quot; quot;(iOS UrlSession.shared.dataTask 删除 utf-8 “+字符并将其替换为 quot;)
Send Broadcast UDP but not receive it on other Android devices(发送广播 UDP 但在其他 Android 设备上不接收)
Swift: Receive UDP with GCDAsyncUdpSocket(Swift:使用 GCDAsyncUdpSocket 接收 UDP)