

quot;How To Make a Tile-Based Game with Cocos2D 2.Xquot; Make this tutorial with cocos2d V3(《如何使用 Cocos2D 2.X 制作基于 Tile 的游戏》使用 cocos2d V3 制作本教程)
NSArray vs NSDictionary look up(NSArray vs NSDictionary 查找)
How to check the iPhone language settings?(如何检查 iPhone 的语言设置?)
Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the SDK(Apple 目前不接受使用此版本 SDK 构建的应用程序)
Circular references in iPhone Cocos2D game programming textbook(iPhone Cocos2D游戏编程教材中的循环引用)
Gameplay Crashes From ipa file but runs fine from Xcode?(游戏从 ipa 文件崩溃,但在 Xcode 中运行良好?)
Black screen on iPad retina display(iPad 视网膜显示屏上的黑屏)
How to wait until the CCMenuItemImage is press in objective C?(如何等到 CCMenuItemImage 在目标 C 中按下?)
How to set the position of a sprite within a box2d body?(如何在 box2d 体内设置精灵的位置?)
Pinch to zoom with CCParallaxNode(使用 CCParallaxNode 捏合缩放)