cocos2d: playing a video in the background of a menu(cocos2d:在菜单背景下播放视频)
What are the quot;gotchasquot; when developing an iPhone Game?(什么是“陷阱?在开发 iPhone 游戏时?)
Applying Zoom Effect In cocos2D gaming environment?(在 cocos2D 游戏环境中应用缩放效果?)
Is it possible to achieve MAX(As,Ad) openGL blending?(是否可以实现 MAX(As,Ad) openGL 混合?)
How to implement pause/resume in cocos2d game?(cocos2d游戏中如何实现暂停/恢复?)
Problem with cocos2D for iPhone and touch detection(cocos2D for iPhone 和触摸检测的问题)
Objective C - XCode not recognizing variable outside of if statement(Objective C - XCode无法识别if语句之外的变量)
Rectangle and Circle collision detection(矩形和圆形碰撞检测)
CCScrollView scroll and touch events never firing(CCScrollView 滚动和触摸事件永远不会触发)
How to change labels text from a button on a CCScrollView?(如何从 CCScrollView 上的按钮更改标签文本?)