

Detect transparent part on the sprite in cocos2d?(在cocos2d中检测精灵上的透明部分?)
iOS Image Naming Conventions(iOS 图像命名约定)
Call a function in AppDelegate?(在 AppDelegate 中调用函数?)
iOS 7 iAd cocos2d deprecated(iOS 7 iAd cocos2d 已弃用)
Adding Cocos2D only to already existing project?(仅将 Cocos2D 添加到现有项目?)
quot;Semantic error: Redefinition of #39;__ccContentScaleFactor#39; with a different typequot; in Cocos2D v2(“语义错误:使用不同类型重新定义 __ccContentScaleFactor在 Cocos2D v2 中)
Does cocos2d support ARC?(cocos2d 支持 ARC 吗?)
iOS 6 - How to run custom code when orientation changes(iOS 6 - 如何在方向改变时运行自定义代码)
[[CCDirector sharedDirector]winSize] is wrong([[CCDirector sharedDirector]winSize] 错误)
wrong position of tile map when i convert to retina display(当我转换为视网膜显示时,瓷砖地图的位置错误)