

How to swipe gesture segue back to previous view ios?(如何将手势段切换回之前的查看iOS?)
Making an asynchronous call prior to a segue to the next view controller (Swift)(在分段之前对下一个视图控制器(SWIFT)进行异步调用)
Segue call from viewDidAppear works, but not from viewWillAppear(来自view的Segue调用Didspecar工作,但不来自view Willspecar)
Segue in swift based on a logic(基于逻辑的SWIFT分段)
Could not cast value of type #39;UITableViewController#39; to #39;UINavigationController#39;(无法将类型为#39;UITableView控制器#39;的值强制转换为#39;UINavigationController#39;)
Why can#39;t I pass value using prepareForSegue?(为什么我不能使用prepaareForSegue传递值?)
SpriteKit: Passing variable from GameViewController to GameScene(SpriteKit:将变量从GameView控制器传递到GameScene)
popToViewController is not working quot;Tried to pop to a view controller that doesn#39;t existquot;(PopToView控制器不工作尝试弹出到不存在的视图控制器(Q;))
self.dismiss does nothing on 3rd level segue(自我解散在第三级段上不起作用)
Pass data through unwind segue(通过展开段传递数据)