How to increase the amount of time to consider input complete, in android voice recognition?(如何在Android语音识别中增加认为输入完成的时间?)
Android, WebView and SpeechRecognition-API(Android、WebView和SpeechRecognition-API)
Keyword activated speech recognition on android(Android上的关键字激活语音识别)
Speech recognition in real-time with punctuation(带标点符号的实时语音识别)
How to hide toastquot; Your audio will be sent to google to provide speech recognition service.quot; in Speech Recognizer?(如何在语音识别器中隐藏您的音频将被发送到Google以提供语音识别服务?)
Google voice recognizer doesn#39;t start on Android 4.x(谷歌语音识别器无法在Android 4.x上启动)
I want to incorporate continuous (hands free) voice command recognition in my app for home automation(我想在我的应用程序中集成连续(免提)语音命令识别功能,以实现家庭自动化)
how to shorten spinner selected item text in android?(如何在Android中缩短微调框选中的项目文本?)
how to create an unselectable hint text for Spinner in android ? (without reflection)(如何在Android中为微调工具创建不可选的提示文本?(没有反省))
Calling AppAuth sign out / endsession endpoint using IdentityServer4 in Flutter on iOS(在iOS上使用颤动中的标识服务器4调用AppAuth登出/结束会话终结点)