在不使用桥接头的情况下访问私有 UIKit 函数

Access Private UIKit Function Without Using Bridging Header(在不使用桥接头的情况下访问私有 UIKit 函数)
本文介绍了在不使用桥接头的情况下访问私有 UIKit 函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


考虑私有 C 函数 _UICreateScreenUIImage,它返回当前设备屏幕的 UIImage 快照:

Consider the private C function _UICreateScreenUIImage, which returns a UIImage snapshot of the current device screen:


我可以把它放在一个桥接头中并像这样在 Swift 中访问它:

I can put this in a bridging header and access it in Swift like so:



@import UIKit;
UIImage *_UICreateScreenUIImage(void) NS_RETURNS_RETAINED;



let image = _UICreateScreenUIImage()
print(image) // <UIImage: 0x7fc4ba6081c0>, {375, 667}

有没有一种方法可以在不使用桥接头的情况下在纯 Swift 中访问 _UICreateScreenUIImage?

Is there a way I can access _UICreateScreenUIImage in pure Swift without using a bridging header?

最初的想法是在 UIImage 上创建一个扩展,但扩展期望我在扩展中声明函数的主体:

An initial thought was to create an extension on UIImage, but the extension is expecting me to declare the body of the function in the extension:

extension UIImage {
    public func _UICreateScreenUIImage(_: Void) -> UIImage // "Expected '{' in body of function declaration"

无论如何,这个实现是有缺陷的,因为 _UICreateScreenUIImage 不是 UIImage 上的方法.

This implementation is flawed anyways, as _UICreateScreenUIImage isn't a method on UIImage.

是否可以在纯 Swift 中公开和访问此方法?

Is exposing and accessing this method possible in pure Swift?

人们似乎将我的问题与我如何截屏?"混淆了.这不是我要问的.我在问如何在 Swift 中访问像 UIImage *_UICreateScreenUIImage(void); 这样的方法.它可以是任何私有方法,例如 +(UIImage *)_deviceSpecificImageNamed:(NSString *)name inBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle;+(UIImage *)_pu_PhotosUIImageNamed:(NSString *)名称;.

People seem to be confusing my question with "How do I take a screenshot?" That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking how do I access methods like UIImage *_UICreateScreenUIImage(void); in Swift. It could be any private method, such as +(UIImage *)_deviceSpecificImageNamed:(NSString *)name inBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle; or +(UIImage *)_pu_PhotosUIImageNamed:(NSString *)name; .



It's a lot easier than you would expect:

func _UICreateScreenUIImage() -> UIImage

// That's it – go ahead and call it:

事实上,@asmname 实际上刚刚在 2.3 版本中被更改为 @_silgen_name,因此请做好相应调整的准备:

As it happens, @asmname has actually just been changed in the 2.3 builds to @_silgen_name, so be ready to adjust accordingly:

func _UICreateScreenUIImage() -> UIImage

据我所知,@_silgen_name 不提供 Objective-C 方法的解析.为此,还有更强大的 Objective-C 运行时 API:

To my knowledge, @_silgen_name does not provide resolution of Objective-C methods. For this, there is the evenmore powerful Objective-C runtime API:

let invokeImageNamed: (String, NSTimeInterval) -> UIImage? = {
    // The Objective-C selector for the method.
    let selector: Selector = "animatedImageNamed:duration:"
    guard case let method = class_getClassMethod(UIImage.self, selector)
        where method != nil else { fatalError("Failed to look up (selector)") }

    // Recreation of the method's implementation function.
    typealias Prototype = @convention(c) (AnyClass, Selector, NSString, NSTimeInterval) -> UIImage?
    let opaqueIMP = method_getImplementation(method)
    let function = unsafeBitCast(opaqueIMP, Prototype.self)

    // Capture the implemenation data in a closure that can be invoked at any time.
    return { name, interval in function(UIImage.self, selector, name, interval) }

extension UIImage {
    // Convenience method for calling the closure from the class.
    class func imageNamed(name: String, interval: NSTimeInterval) -> UIImage? {
        return invokeImageNamed(name, interval)

UIImage.imageNamed("test", interval: 0)

就处理 NS_RETURNS_RETAINED 而言,这不会为您生成.相反,您可以使用 Unmanaged 的返回类型,并将其包装在一个函数中以方便您使用:

As far as handling NS_RETURNS_RETAINED, this won't be generated for you. Instead, you can use a return type of Unmanaged, and wrap that in a function to your convenience:

func _UICreateScreenUIImage() -> Unmanaged<UIImage>
func UICreateScreenUIImage() -> UIImage {
    return _UICreateScreenUIImage().takeRetainedValue()

这篇关于在不使用桥接头的情况下访问私有 UIKit 函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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