At first I thought this was a problem with my app, but it seems to be happening in any app (though interestingly, not the home screen) in the gingerbread emulator.
要复制我的问题,打开 eclipse 并启动姜饼的 android 模拟器(我使用Google APIs - API Level 9"作为我的目标)
To replicate my issue, open eclipse and fire up the android emulator for gingerbread (I'm using the "Google APIs - API Level 9" as my target)
So the procedure to duplicate once the emulator loads is
按 LCtrl-F11 将方向切换到横向,然后再次切换到纵向
press LCtrl-F11 to shift orientation to landscape, then again to switch to portrait
In the homescreen:
The view rotates to landscape, and then back to portrait, as expected
In any app (i've tried browser, calculator, maps, and the app i'm currently working on):
the view rotates to landscape, and then nothing, it stays in landscape even the emulator is displaying the phone in landscape mode (see below)
有没有其他人遇到过这个问题,或者我以某种不正确的方式安装了模拟器 - 以前的任何模拟器都没有这个问题
Has anyone else had this issue, or have I installed the emulator in some incorrect way - this hasn't been an issue with any of the previous emulators
实际上,我以前偶尔也遇到过这个问题,尽管它似乎随着每个通过工具的发布而变得越来越糟.您的安装或使用程序的方式没有任何问题,AFAIK.您可以尝试使用 Ctrl-F12 而不是 Ctrl-F11 切换回来,看看是否可以改善问题.我认为问题可能源于模拟器试图模拟四向方向,但这只是一个猜测.
Actually, I have run into that problem occasionally before, though it does seem to get progressively worse with each passing tools release. There is nothing wrong with your installation or how you are using the program, AFAIK. You might try using Ctrl-F12 to switch back rather than Ctrl-F11 and see if that improves matters. I think the problem may stem from the emulator trying to emulate four-way orientation, but that is just a guess.