由于某种原因,我无法再使用本地德语键盘在 iOS 模拟器中输入文本.
For some reason, I cannot enter text with my native german keyboard into iOS Simulator any more.
在下载 Xcode 6.1(包含 iOS 8.1)后,我被美国的布局卡住了.
After downloading Xcode 6.1 (which contains iOS 8.1), I was stuck with the US layout.
我尝试了更改所有硬件/键盘设置、删除 ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iphonesimulator.plist
以及重置 iOS 模拟器等操作.
I tried things like changing all Hardware/Keyboard settings, deleting ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iphonesimulator.plist
, and resetting the iOS simulator.
Should I reinstall the complete package?
是iOS 8.1 Simulator 的bug.
It's iOS 8.1 Simulator's bugs.
I could tested language by setting the "Application Language" in the used scheme.
转到产品 > 方案 > 编辑方案...或按 cmd + Y.
Go to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme... or press cmd + Y.
来源:Yoshihiro Sakamoto 在 Apple Dev Forum 的回答
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