

Prevent Video downloading(防止视频下载)
How to setup ffmpeg for CentOS release 6.5 server(如何为 CentOS 6.5 版服务器设置 ffmpeg)
Understanding MVC Views in PHP(理解 PHP 中的 MVC 视图)
Can I call a Model from a View?(我可以从视图调用模型吗?)
Understanding MVC: Whats the concept of quot;Fatquot; on models, quot;Skinnyquot; on controllers?(理解MVC:“胖是什么概念?在模特身上,“瘦在控制器上?)
Laravel 3 : Looking for explanation how to use the model(Laravel 3:寻找如何使用模型的解释)
Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application?(在 MVC 应用程序中从模型正确调用数据库?)
Where do I put a database query in MVC?(在 MVC 中,我在哪里放置数据库查询?)
What means Call to a member function on boolean and how to fix(调用布尔成员函数是什么意思以及如何修复)
Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model(在 ORM 模型中处理脏状态的最佳方法)