Upgrading Laravel 5.5 to 5.6 error(将 Laravel 5.5 升级到 5.6 错误)
Laravel Request input() or get()(Laravel 请求 input() 或 get())
How to set cookies in laravel 5 independently inside controller(如何在控制器内部独立地在 Laravel 5 中设置 cookie)
Laravel 5 - env local debug true no errors shown(Laravel 5 - env local debug true 未显示错误)
How to set and get Cookie in laravel(如何在 Laravel 中设置和获取 Cookie)
Laravel Auth - use md5 instead of the integrated Hash::make()(Laravel Auth - 使用 md5 而不是集成的 Hash::make())
Roles with laravel 5, how to allow only admin access to some root(Laravel 5 的角色,如何只允许管理员访问某些根)
The Response content must be a string or object implementing __toString(), quot;booleanquot; given after move to psql(响应内容必须是实现 __toString()、“boolean和“boolean的字符串或对象.移动到 psql 后给出)
laravel querybuilder how to use like in wherein function(laravel querybuilder 如何在 where 函数中使用 like)
Overwrite laravel 5 helper function(覆盖 Laravel 5 辅助函数)