Laravel 5 hasMany relationship on two columns(Laravel 5 在两列上有许多关系)
ReflectionException: Class ClassName does not exist - Laravel(ReflectionException: Class ClassName 不存在 - Laravel)
Laravel 5 controller sending JSON integer as string(Laravel 5 控制器将 JSON 整数作为字符串发送)
Eloquent Parent-Child relationship on same model(同一模型上雄辩的父子关系)
Using JavaScript to display Laravel#39;s Variable(使用 JavaScript 显示 Laravel 的变量)
Laravel 5 Naming Conventions(Laravel 5 命名约定)
How to set the default value of an attribute on a Laravel model(如何在 Laravel 模型上设置属性的默认值)
laravel 5.4 upload image(laravel 5.4 上传图片)
Laravel 5.3 withCount() nested relation(Laravel 5.3 withCount() 嵌套关系)
How to use authentication for multiple tables in Laravel 5(如何在 Laravel 5 中对多个表使用身份验证)