Discord.js #39;presenceUpdate#39; not being called(Discord.js presenceUpdate 没有被调用)
why are aliases not getting executed?(为什么别名没有被执行?)
How to make a embed to the user requirments?(如何嵌入用户需求?)
Invalid interaction application command(discord.js slash commands using WOKCommands)(无效的交互应用命令(discord.js 斜线命令使用 WOKCommands))
Fetch a message (by ID) and edit it(获取消息(按 ID)并进行编辑)
How to make the bot send personalized emojis?(如何让机器人发送个性化的表情符号?)
How can I embed messages using a Discord bot?(如何使用 Discord 机器人嵌入消息?)
How to make random colors for embeds Discord.js(如何为嵌入 Discord.js 制作随机颜色)
Discord.js days since account creation(Discord.js 帐户创建后的天数)
get random item from javascript array repeatedly?(反复从javascript数组中获取随机项?)