

File upload with Javascript without user intervention(使用 Javascript 上传文件,无需用户干预)
HTML5 resumable and chunked upload of large files (gt; 500MB)(大文件的 HTML5 可恢复和分块上传 ( 500MB))
Upload and crop image before sending it to the server(在将图像发送到服务器之前上传并裁剪图像)
onComplete and onCompleteAll events failing to fire when using Uploadify(使用 Uploadify 时无法触发 onComplete 和 onCompleteAll 事件)
Can I use any HTML or JavaScript API to get the file#39;s path in input[type=file]?(我可以使用任何 HTML 或 JavaScript API 在 input[type=file] 中获取文件的路径吗?)
plupload - send another request parameter with uploaded file(plupload - 使用上传的文件发送另一个请求参数)
HTML multiple file upload from different folders(从不同文件夹上传 HTML 多个文件)
Django ajax upload image(Django ajax 上传图片)
HTML: How to limit file upload to be only images?(HTML:如何将文件上传限制为仅图像?)
XMLHttpRequest Level 2 - Determinate if upload finished(XMLHttpRequest Level 2 - 确定上传是否完成)