

Does SqlTransaction need to have Dispose called?(SqlTransaction 是否需要调用 Dispose?)
Should I call Parameters.Clear when reusing a SqlCommand with a transation?(重用带有事务的 SqlCommand 时,我应该调用 Parameters.Clear 吗?)
Yield return from a try/catch block(try/catch 块的收益回报)
SQL Server 2005 Transaction Level and Stored Procedures(SQL Server 2005 事务级和存储过程)
LINQ to SQL and Concurrency Issues(LINQ to SQL 和并发问题)
Data committed even though System.Transactions.TransactionScope.Commit() not called(即使未调用 System.Transactions.TransactionScope.Commit() 也提交了数据)
Multiple Connections With Same Connection String Under A Single Transaction, Elevated Transaction?(单个事务下具有相同连接字符串的多个连接,提升事务?)
Transactional file writing in C# and Windows?(在 C# 和 Windows 中写入事务性文件?)
TransactionScope error in ambient transaction does not rollback the transaction(环境事务中的 TransactionScope 错误不会回滚事务)
Gap-less sequence where multiple transactions with multiple tables are involved(涉及多个表的多个事务的无间隙序列)