

Automatically trim a bitmap to minimum size?(自动将位图修剪到最小尺寸?)
Converting WriteableBitmap to Bitmap in C#(在 C# 中将 WriteableBitmap 转换为 Bitmap)
Can#39;t set palette in bitmap(无法在位图中设置调色板)
Loading Canon .CR2 files in .NET(在 .NET 中加载佳能 .CR2 文件)
Set Bitmap as cover art for MP3(将位图设置为 MP3 的封面)
Save a 32-bit Bitmap as 1-bit .bmp file in C#(在 C# 中将 32 位位图另存为 1 位 .bmp 文件)
Drawing with mouse causes gaps between pixels(用鼠标绘图会导致像素之间出现间隙)
C#: How to reduce memory and CPU consumption when working with Bitmaps?(C#:如何在使用位图时减少内存和 CPU 消耗?)
how do I convert a pdf to a bitmap image in .net?(如何在 .net 中将 pdf 转换为位图图像?)
How to prevent richTextBox to paste images within it?(如何防止richTextBox在其中粘贴图像?)