quot;JCenter is at end of lifequot; android lint warning, what is the replacement?(“JCenter 即将报废android lint 警告,替换是什么?)
Android Test Module (Gradle Plugin 1.3) doesn#39;t work: quot;debug-classes not foundquot;(Android 测试模块(Gradle 插件 1.3)不起作用:“找不到调试类)
Multiple signingConfigs for multiple variants(多个变体的多个签名配置)
Android Gradle Implementation vs CompileOnly Performance(Android Gradle 实现与 CompileOnly 性能)
Error converting bytecode to dex: Cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception parsing classes - Android studio 2.0 beta 6(将字节码转换为 dex 时出错:原因:java.lang.RuntimeException:异常解析类 - Android Studio 2.0 beta 6)
Android Gradle cannot find symbol class Gson(Android Gradle 找不到符号类 Gson)
Not able to copy configurations dependencies after upgrading Gradle plugin for Android Studio to 3.0.1 and Gradle to 4.1(将 Android Studio 的 Gradle 插件升级到 3.0.1 和 Gradle 到 4.1 后无法复制配置依赖项)
Using a different manifestPlaceholder for each Build Variant(为每个 Build Variant 使用不同的 manifestPlaceholder)
Exclude assets for release build type(排除发布构建类型的资产)
Why there are multiple copies for the same version of gradle(为什么同一个版本的gradle会有多个副本)