How to Add Xcode Bot Integration Number Into Build Script(如何将 Xcode Bot 集成编号添加到构建脚本中)
Apple OS X Server (Xcode CI service) can#39;t find provisioning profiles(Apple OS X 服务器(Xcode CI 服务)找不到配置文件)
How to configure build types vs. product flavors?(如何配置构建类型与产品风格?)
API to get a provisioning profile from Apple dev site(从 Apple 开发站点获取配置文件的 API)
How do I trap OCUnit test pass/failure messages/events(如何捕获 OCUnit 测试通过/失败消息/事件)
Could not create directory /var/teamsserver(无法创建目录/var/teamsserver)
How to install Android SDK on Linux using CLI only?(如何仅使用 CLI 在 Linux 上安装 Android SDK?)
xcode command line test with argument passed at launch(带有参数的 xcode 命令行测试在启动时传递)
UnsafeMutablePointerlt;Int8gt; from String in Swift(UnsafeMutablePointerlt;Int8gt;来自 Swift 中的字符串)
Proper way to convert char* to NSString without initWithCString?(在没有 initWithCString 的情况下将 char* 转换为 NSString 的正确方法?)