Merge different rows according to date conditions(根据日期条件合并不同的行)
Five Columns to a single row(五列到一行)
Issue inserting into a temp table in SQL Server 2012(在 SQL Server 2012 中插入临时表的问题)
Get first day of the set year(获取设定年份的第一天)
remote debugging in sql server management studio(sql server management studio中的远程调试)
Query xml data - sample data from Microsoft not working(查询 xml 数据 - 来自 Microsoft 的示例数据不起作用)
SQL Server 2014: Pairing rows from 2 tables based on values coming from a third one(SQL Server 2014:根据来自第三个表的值配对来自 2 个表的行)
T-SQL script to wait till status of snap agent is completed(等待快照代理状态完成的 T-SQL 脚本)
Iterate through derived value from temp table so it value can be used it a where condition using for loop(迭代来自临时表的派生值,以便它的值可以用于使用 for 循环的 where 条件)
Combine multiple boolean columns into a single column(将多个布尔列合并为一列)