Assigning a Row Number in SQL Server, but grouped on a value(在 SQL Server 中分配行号,但按值分组)
Delete multiple duplicate rows in table(删除表中的多个重复行)
Is it possible to add a identity to a GROUP BY using SQL?(是否可以使用 SQL 将身份添加到 GROUP?)
Advanced tool for optimizing T-SQL?(用于优化 T-SQL 的高级工具?)
SQL Server 2008 Script to Drop PK Constraint that has a System Generated Name(用于删除具有系统生成名称的 PK 约束的 SQL Server 2008 脚本)
Combine XML from T-SQL(结合来自 T-SQL 的 XML)
What is the comparative speed of temporary tables to physical tables in SQL?(SQL中临时表与物理表的比较速度是多少?)
Sql Password Generator - 8 characters, upper and lower and include a number(Sql 密码生成器 - 8 个字符,上下并包括一个数字)
What are the advantages of a query using a derived table(s) over a query not using them?(与不使用派生表的查询相比,使用派生表的查询有哪些优势?)
Insert a row into a SQL Server table only if total count is less than a threshold(仅当总计数小于阈值时向 SQL Server 表中插入一行)