

How to delete duplicates on a MySQL table?(如何删除 MySQL 表上的重复项?)
Change MySQL default character set to UTF-8 in my.cnf?(在 my.cnf 中将 MySQL 默认字符集更改为 UTF-8?)
need to return two sets of data with two different where clauses(需要使用两个不同的 where 子句返回两组数据)
Natural Sort in MySQL(MySQL中的自然排序)
How do you set a default value for a MySQL Datetime column?(如何为 MySQL 日期时间列设置默认值?)
MySQL: @variable vs. variable. What#39;s the difference?(MySQL:@variable 与变量.有什么不同?)
Using backticks around field names(在字段名称周围使用反引号)
How to SELECT the newest four items per category?(如何选择每个类别的最新四个项目?)
How do I query between two dates using MySQL?(如何使用 MySQL 在两个日期之间进行查询?)
How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in MySQL?(如何使用 GROUP BY 在 MySQL 中连接字符串?)