

iOS5: Exception on UIWebView in modal UIViewController playing Youtube video(iOS5:在模态 UIViewController 中播放 Youtube 视频时 UIWebView 出现异常)
ios tabbar put text in the middle when no image(ios标签栏在没有图像时将文本放在中间)
applicationDidEnterBackground and applicationWillEnterForeground method are not called when pressed home button in iOS simulator(在 iOS 模拟器中按下主页按钮时不会调用 applicationDidEnterBackground 和 applicationWillEnterForeground 方法)
Get row index of custom cell in UITableview(获取 UITableview 中自定义单元格的行索引)
Where am I? - Get country(我在哪里?- 获取国家)
Buildozer compiles apk, but it crashes on android(Buildozer 编译 apk,但它在 android 上崩溃)
Save app data in kivy on Android(在 Android 上的 kivy 中保存应用数据)
kivymd app crashes on android phone ModuleNotFoundError: No module named #39;PIL#39;(kivymd 应用程序在 Android 手机上崩溃 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named PIL)
kivy buildozer VM(kivy buildozer 虚拟机)
Remove or replace the kivy splash screen on startup(移除或更换启动时的 kivy 闪屏)