iOS Duration of Splash Screen (Default.png)(iOS 启动画面的持续时间 (Default.png))
custom uitableviewcells in storyboard(故事板中的自定义 uitableviewcells)
Required Background modes key is not there in info-plist file(info-plist 文件中没有所需的背景模式键)
iOS 5: Make NSString Category include NSCFConstantString?(iOS 5:使 NSString 类别包括 NSCFConstantString?)
How to hide folders created in Document Directory in ios?(如何隐藏在 ios 的文档目录中创建的文件夹?)
How to programmatically silence the ringer or change the ringer tone on iOS5(如何以编程方式使铃声静音或更改 iOS5 上的铃声)
RTL languages uipageviewcontroller animation(RTL 语言 uipageviewcontroller 动画)
Android: How to get location information from intent bundle extras when using LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates()(Android:使用 LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates() 时如何从 Intent 捆绑包中获取位置信息)
Android - Reliably getting the current location(Android - 可靠地获取当前位置)
Easiest way of getting reverse geocoded current location from iOS(从 iOS 获取反向地理编码当前位置的最简单方法)