Change Size of EditText bottom border(更改 EditText 底部边框的大小)
Android numeric password field(Android 数字密码字段)
Change thickness of the bottom line of EditText when wrapped into TextInputLayout(包装到 TextInputLayout 时更改 EditText 底线的粗细)
EditText hint doesn#39;t show(EditText 提示不显示)
How can I detect focused EditText in android?(如何在 android 中检测聚焦的 EditText?)
Validate an email inside an EditText(验证 EditText 中的电子邮件)
Simple RichText Editor in Android(Android中的简单富文本编辑器)
How to remove the underline from the EditText field in Android?(如何从 Android 中的 EditText 字段中删除下划线?)
How to implement Multiline EditText with ActionDone button (without Enter button)(如何使用 ActionDone 按钮(不带 Enter 按钮)实现多行 EditText)
Android: Check if EditText is Empty when inputType is set on Number/Phone(Android:在 Number/Phone 上设置 inputType 时检查 EditText 是否为空)